Monday, April 5, 2010

Rapist husband searched the Internet

Kannapolis - incomprehensible crimes in the United States: About the online ad service Craigslist has Kleinz looking for a man a rapist for his own wife - and found.
Rape occurred on Sunday at the home of the couple in the U.S. town of Kannapolis (State of Carolina). The previously unknown perpetrators raped the woman with drawn knife, while her husband watched the crime.
The 25-year-old husband has been arrested after the rapist is still searched.
According to police sources, the husband-line ad in the category "Erotic Services" was published on the Internet. The shocking text: He sought a man to sleep with his wife, while "scare tactics" applying (Verängstigungstaktik). The woman had agreed to neither of them knew.
A Craigslist spokeswoman was shocked and announced that the erotic section of the online portal will be removed. In recent months there had been similar crimes.