Sunday, April 11, 2010

He killed the mother of his children in a frenzy

Bonn - The ice-cold killer of Waldbröl. Frantically stabbed Mouctar B. (24) on his 47-year old German wife, killed her with 26 stab wounds. In court, the killers showed no mercy on Sunday: "The woman has everything broke."
It was pure bloodlust. In the kitchen, stabbed Mouctar as his wife Karin (name) last book. In the chest, back, arms. "Ambulance", said the victims nor a neighbor had found them. But the little 47-year-old bled to death later. The offender got into the train, went to Cologne. Am Hauptbahnhof B. was arrested - he had a timetable to Brussels in the luggage.
It was the bloody end of a German-African marriage. 1999 Mouctar example, was about Portugal from Guinea came to Waldbröl. His Karin he met in a video arcade. After his expulsion - the asylum application was rejected - Karin followed him to Guinea. There, the couple married in February 2004. Since their daughter was a year in the world. 2006 was followed by a son.
The almost year-olds was on 7th November 2008 also in the apartment when the Africans killed his wife 23 years earlier. Mouctar B. on Monday in the dock: "We were talking about deportation. She said I would never see again the children. "Karin had denounced her husband for domestic violence and wanted a divorce.
Without remorse B. talking about the murder: "I had been drinking alcohol. Since the accident happened. I stabbed her. "And:" It was a kind of revenge. I gave away my heart to the family. The woman has hurt me, my heart broke. "
Psychiatrist Dr. Wolf Gerlich has examined the defendant. The process will continue.