Thursday, April 29, 2010

Manager accident with motorcycle

Gelsenkirchen - Schalke 04 will be from the "Hospital 05". With goalkeeper Manuel Neuer (broken foot), Jefferson Farfan (shoulder), Orlando Engelaar (knee) and Jermaine Jones (Syndesmosebandriss) are already four players shallow - and as the number five, it has now caught even the manager!
Andreas Mueller injured his Harley Davidson "Fat Boy" - while the engine of the 20,000-euro projectile not yet expired. As Mueller bought his chopper was only last week pushed out of the garage, tipped him to the 350-pound machine.
Instead of letting go and take a couple of scratches in department, tried to Mueller, to hold his Harley (1584 ccm/73 hp) with one arm and rolled in here from the shoulder joint. Episode: bone-splintering, and torn ligaments. The 45-year-old underwent surgery on Wednesday in the ATOS Clinic Heidelberg by Dr. Peter Meyer and Haber suspect: 'I will probably not to Bremen and Champions League qualification can take the second leg in Madrid. "
His "Fat Boy" now is staying in the garage - hopefully Mueller has more luck with the next road test.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Super Mondy: "I Concentrate on Cologne"

Cologne / Bogota --
Experienced and clarified: Even with its 39 years of FC's Faryd Mondragon Kölsch keeps clean the box. More than that: So far, he plays his strongest season in the FC jersey. Even with the strong Bavaria was "super-Mondy" unable to overcome on Saturday. That has not gone unnoticed in Colombia. And the association asked for a national team-Mondragon comeback!
Choice goalkeeper Agustin Julio's injured. And) the important games against Chile (Saturday and (in Paraguay 14 October) are available at the door. "Yes, they asked me. In Colombia, all my games shown live. Since you have probably seen that I am in good shape," says Mondragon, the rumors about his national team comeback. And pushes the speculation just before a stop. "They have repeatedly tried, I wanted to persuade you. But I want to concentrate on my job at FC. I'm staying here, we have a difficult situation because we want to come out again. The chapter on national team is over for me." FC coach Zvonimir Soldo: "We have not even talked about it. Obviously, he has already dealt with the matter independently."
The kölsche Keeper cult is planning his career end in Cologne. The option of another year in the Colombian league dranzuhängen, Mondy has been discarded. "The Bundesliga has the highest level. At this level, I want to say goodbye."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Til Schweiger raves about her kisses

Is more than just enthusiasm and above all - what is friend Melanie Scholz (say 24) to that?
While filming for their second joint film "Zweiohrküken" are to Til Schweiger (46) and actress Nora Tschirner (damn 28) came close.
"Because of the different settings, we now had more than kissing, Keinohrhasen, '" Schweiger said in an interview with' Gala ',' until we have at some point said: Now we have to be careful - in this film is geknutscht too much! "
Rotate Intimate scenes with Tschirner, he greatly appreciated: "It's more fun to kiss in front of the camera someone whom you like and who can kiss well."
Tschirner and Schweiger - certainly the Geflirte PR is just a gag. Finally Til wants with his ex-wife Melanie and Dana together to celebrate Christmas. Maybe it also comes Nora ...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

He killed the mother of his children in a frenzy

Bonn - The ice-cold killer of Waldbröl. Frantically stabbed Mouctar B. (24) on his 47-year old German wife, killed her with 26 stab wounds. In court, the killers showed no mercy on Sunday: "The woman has everything broke."
It was pure bloodlust. In the kitchen, stabbed Mouctar as his wife Karin (name) last book. In the chest, back, arms. "Ambulance", said the victims nor a neighbor had found them. But the little 47-year-old bled to death later. The offender got into the train, went to Cologne. Am Hauptbahnhof B. was arrested - he had a timetable to Brussels in the luggage.
It was the bloody end of a German-African marriage. 1999 Mouctar example, was about Portugal from Guinea came to Waldbröl. His Karin he met in a video arcade. After his expulsion - the asylum application was rejected - Karin followed him to Guinea. There, the couple married in February 2004. Since their daughter was a year in the world. 2006 was followed by a son.
The almost year-olds was on 7th November 2008 also in the apartment when the Africans killed his wife 23 years earlier. Mouctar B. on Monday in the dock: "We were talking about deportation. She said I would never see again the children. "Karin had denounced her husband for domestic violence and wanted a divorce.
Without remorse B. talking about the murder: "I had been drinking alcohol. Since the accident happened. I stabbed her. "And:" It was a kind of revenge. I gave away my heart to the family. The woman has hurt me, my heart broke. "
Psychiatrist Dr. Wolf Gerlich has examined the defendant. The process will continue.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Rapist husband searched the Internet

Kannapolis - incomprehensible crimes in the United States: About the online ad service Craigslist has Kleinz looking for a man a rapist for his own wife - and found.
Rape occurred on Sunday at the home of the couple in the U.S. town of Kannapolis (State of Carolina). The previously unknown perpetrators raped the woman with drawn knife, while her husband watched the crime.
The 25-year-old husband has been arrested after the rapist is still searched.
According to police sources, the husband-line ad in the category "Erotic Services" was published on the Internet. The shocking text: He sought a man to sleep with his wife, while "scare tactics" applying (Verängstigungstaktik). The woman had agreed to neither of them knew.
A Craigslist spokeswoman was shocked and announced that the erotic section of the online portal will be removed. In recent months there had been similar crimes.