Thursday, March 4, 2010

Meisner: "Potato soup is simply divine"

Cologne --
What does it take to make Cardinal Joachim Meisner really happy - and in matters of worldly pleasures?
It's simple: take a kilo of potatoes, this soup vegetables, broth, water, salt, Maggi, spices and delicious wieners.
The whole thing is then, well cooked, a divine potato soup. And that's Meisner's favorite dish, as he has now betrayed Helmuth Knörzer book "The table is set - what tastes bishops" (Bauer Verlag, € 14.90, the proceeds going to young people from the former Soviet Union, the journey to World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid permit).
Knörzer is a deacon in Wiehl, and the 149 prelates from all over Germany to survey their favorite dishes - and the recipes written down about this. From Cologne, where: Bishop Manfred Melzer ( "Cassel on savoy cabbage), Auxiliary Bishop, Rainer Maria Woelki (" fish in a salt crust), Auxiliary Bishop Heiner Koch ( "potatoes with ham and cheese") and former Auxiliary Bishop Klaus Dick ( "Halver Rooster ").
Quite modest and very down to earth they are, therefore, in the Archdiocese of Cologne. In southern climes, however you will - we guessed it - much more luxuriant. Thus, the Augsburg Bishop Walter Mixa loves duck. Or Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke from Eichstätt, Bavaria swears by the Eichstaetter Domherrenpfanne.
That it is his culinary not so far away, so does Dr. Henry Mussinghoff, Bishop of Aachen, quite frankly, at: "In one camp we have ever tried self-sufficiency, making fried eggs." It was in trying ...