Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sharks, once again played like men!

Cologne - There it was again, the nasty face of the Shark: When 2:5 in Mannheim, they could be slaughtered without resistance in the first third - only three days after the surprise victory at champions Berlin.
If I knew what it was, I would change it, "is also sporting director Rodion Pauels perplexed:" The first goal was preceded by a catastrophic mistake (Moritz Müller and Mats Trygg / d.Red.), Then we have our policy not recovered .
Because the disease in this season always happens, believe only a passionate optimist to the achievement of pre-playoff tenth place. Thus it may be enough yet, probably should be in the 16 remaining games, a cut of two points per game her - the only leader of Hanover and Berlin, close to the pursuers and Mannheim.
Pauels will not give up hope: "The belief is still there. Of course there will always be close, and certainly not easy, but we are stepping on the gas. "Next?
The Sharks now have to start times, but whether it succeeds precisely on Sunday (14.30 clock / LANXESS arena) to Krefeld, seems more than doubtful. Against the Penguins, there was this season with 1:6 and 0:6 only two mega-bankruptcies. "As we have looked twice embarrassing," says Pauels: "That's what the coaches drilled into the troops yesterday once more - this is now a character game."
Whether the Sharks way back her heart again? Especially at the 0:6, 23 November in Krefeld Pauels think back in horror: "That was the worst game of the Cologne Sharks for years. It was men against children - something like that happens only once in a lifetime. "
Well, hopefully - need a victory here on Sunday. Pauels: "Whatever!" Somehow sounds like optimism.