Friday, February 5, 2010

"Jot drop get Jeckes Gold

"For us this is a big thing, we're thrilled," said radiates "Jot drop" frontman Michael Heidl as the EXPRESS him the good news recently: The five-member band from Troisdorf is the winner of the Oscar Foolish EXPRESS.
"Standing in a row with Bernd Stelter and Bruce Kapusta, both of which have repeatedly brought the Oscar is huge. Mainly because we're only since 2003 with a carnival on the road, "said Heidl. "We look forward to the huge party at the Bridge forum. And many thanks to all our fans. "
The second and third places go to "old" friends: On the "clown with the trumpet," Bruce Kapusta and Kribbelköpp.
In the squares of four to ten then a few surprises: "The young usem Vürjebirch" Many Lohmer who Tannenbusch Chaos Choir, De Botzedresse, Durschlöscher President Jürgen Klasen, Jodesberger the boy, the bar stool and Unkeler Poppelsdorfer Schlossmadämchen. You all became close to it, maybe it'll work even next year.
This has made the program for our EXPRESS Carnival Party on Wednesday is set in the Bridge forum: In addition to Prince and Bonna, the Godesberg prince and princess, Princess Liküra and scrubbers are therefore also "Jot drop, Bruce Kapusta and Kribbelköpp are on the Büh.
Like the way back in the past three years. This time, only in different order.