Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sharks, once again played like men!

Cologne - There it was again, the nasty face of the Shark: When 2:5 in Mannheim, they could be slaughtered without resistance in the first third - only three days after the surprise victory at champions Berlin.
If I knew what it was, I would change it, "is also sporting director Rodion Pauels perplexed:" The first goal was preceded by a catastrophic mistake (Moritz Müller and Mats Trygg / d.Red.), Then we have our policy not recovered .
Because the disease in this season always happens, believe only a passionate optimist to the achievement of pre-playoff tenth place. Thus it may be enough yet, probably should be in the 16 remaining games, a cut of two points per game her - the only leader of Hanover and Berlin, close to the pursuers and Mannheim.
Pauels will not give up hope: "The belief is still there. Of course there will always be close, and certainly not easy, but we are stepping on the gas. "Next?
The Sharks now have to start times, but whether it succeeds precisely on Sunday (14.30 clock / LANXESS arena) to Krefeld, seems more than doubtful. Against the Penguins, there was this season with 1:6 and 0:6 only two mega-bankruptcies. "As we have looked twice embarrassing," says Pauels: "That's what the coaches drilled into the troops yesterday once more - this is now a character game."
Whether the Sharks way back her heart again? Especially at the 0:6, 23 November in Krefeld Pauels think back in horror: "That was the worst game of the Cologne Sharks for years. It was men against children - something like that happens only once in a lifetime. "
Well, hopefully - need a victory here on Sunday. Pauels: "Whatever!" Somehow sounds like optimism.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Accidents involving motorcycles

Monschau / Eifel - Nice weather, which attracts irrevocably motorcyclists on the roads. Often with dire consequences. Also this weekend, there were serious accidents.
On the B 399 from the direction Kalterherberg several motorcyclists were going Perlenbachstaussee lost when the first dispatch rider in a left turn from hitherto unknown reasons, the control and crashed.
Two subsequent riders could not avoid, and fell on the injured. All three had to be injured to hospital. The B 399 had on accident record will be completely blocked.
In a second accident overlook a motorcyclist in a car turning left on the cars undprallte He was also seriously injured in the accident and was admitted to a clinic.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Norbert Meier is Fortune

Dusseldorf - The seemingly endless search ends coach, is the new man on the Fortuna Bank means Norbert Meier!
Dynamo Dresden announced Sunday, with his 0-1 after the end of September in Emden have agreed on a coach on leave contract. The contract running until the summer and would have automatically renewed in case of a rise in Dresden for a year. A sure sign that Meier has a new job - and such a person is currently only available at Fortuna.
"I know nothing, because I'd bet $ 1000 on it," says board member Herman Tecklenburg. "But I was on the phone with Reiner Calmund. He told me that there were only two candidates: Norbert Meier and Milan Sasic. "Where the decision is made.
"Give us another day, you know the business," said Board Vice-Juergen Marbach. So it was down to details. Meier especially a good friend from Dresden Festival (Spokesman Peter Tauber) has revealed in a telephone conversation that "this will probably klargehen with Fortuna.
Looks like perfect timing, on Thursday's opening practice. Then Uwe Klein will be back on the pitch. The Co. on Friday came back from his vacation and Thailand, said: "I have learned that a coach has broken his contract and is with us in conversation. As you can piece together a lot. "
Meier started his coaching career at Borussia Moenchengladbach, mounted with MSV Duisburg in the Bundesliga. There he had to go to the "head-butt affair" (he had the former Cologne Albert Streit Sap missed one go).
Now he becomes the new Fortuna coach. Today, by 15 clock Meier was introduced as the new coach!

Friday, February 5, 2010

"Jot drop get Jeckes Gold

"For us this is a big thing, we're thrilled," said radiates "Jot drop" frontman Michael Heidl as the EXPRESS him the good news recently: The five-member band from Troisdorf is the winner of the Oscar Foolish EXPRESS.
"Standing in a row with Bernd Stelter and Bruce Kapusta, both of which have repeatedly brought the Oscar is huge. Mainly because we're only since 2003 with a carnival on the road, "said Heidl. "We look forward to the huge party at the Bridge forum. And many thanks to all our fans. "
The second and third places go to "old" friends: On the "clown with the trumpet," Bruce Kapusta and Kribbelköpp.
In the squares of four to ten then a few surprises: "The young usem Vürjebirch" Many Lohmer who Tannenbusch Chaos Choir, De Botzedresse, Durschlöscher President Jürgen Klasen, Jodesberger the boy, the bar stool and Unkeler Poppelsdorfer Schlossmadämchen. You all became close to it, maybe it'll work even next year.
This has made the program for our EXPRESS Carnival Party on Wednesday is set in the Bridge forum: In addition to Prince and Bonna, the Godesberg prince and princess, Princess Liküra and scrubbers are therefore also "Jot drop, Bruce Kapusta and Kribbelköpp are on the Büh.
Like the way back in the past three years. This time, only in different order.