Saturday, May 29, 2010

Suspected sex offender denies abuse

Mönchengladbach - to start the process in the abuse case against the alleged sex offender Günter B. (59), the accused denied the bulk of the charges against him.
Only one of the 19 accused acts he admitted, it is documented on a video. The presiding judge at the district court warned Guenter B., the children blame.
The accused is said to have collected from May 2006 to August 2008 the then 5:00 to 12:00 year-old neighbor girl sexually. The case had caused a stir in July, because the man had been released after nine months in custody due to slow work of justice from the pre-trial detention.
More info about: Suspected sex offender (59) finally to court> indictment stands against child molesters! > Acts by pedophiles misplaced> child molester is released>